
Photo by Bankim Desai on Unsplash

It seems obvious to say, but something that transforms does not end up in the same state as when it starts its transformation: a caterpillar doesn’t create and enter its chrysalis only to come out... a caterpillar.

We hear the term “digital transformation” all the time in business when all it really means is a computer system is being replaced.

If you’ve lived through (or worked on) transformation, like I have a few times, you know this changes very little, will take longer than anyone expects and be very painful.

Successful transformations encourage change through the shared focus on the needs of others, prioritising action and empowering individuals to drive towards strategic goals. That might sound like consulting blabber but it actually delivers - problem is it requires work and the involvement of everyone.

So if you’re working on a transformation and you’re not addressing the people, then you won’t really transform anything. What’s been your experience of transformation?

