The Secret


For the end of the working week I’m going to let you in on a little secret - just promise not to tell anyone else.

I want to tell you the secret of digital transformation.

In the US in 2018 alone organisations spent $1.3 trillion on digital transformation projects, only to see 70% of them fail to realise value (CNBC).

Seventy percent failure.

To put that into context, only 18 countries in the world have a higher yearly GDP than the $910 billion that was thrown away in those failed projects. Just in the US. In 2018.

So to the secret...

The secret of digital transformation is its not about digital transformation: it’s about transforming the people instead.

If you think about it, this should be obvious: digital tools are the easy part. It’s the people that are messy. Once you get the tools in place no one considers just how much effort is needed to change processes, roles and get the people comfortable.

How much of that $910 billion would have realised value if those organisations knew the secret?

How will your next project be better because you now know the secret?

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash




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